Dear blog, this lamp has a special value for me. It was the first thing I bought when I arrived at The University of Tampa. I remember trying to find a place in my dorm room where it could perfectly fit. I really like the result of the project, as I consider this one to be one of the hardest. I spent hours on this one. The gradient mesh tool was hard to use at the beginning. However, after several youtube tutorials, I finally got the result I wanted. I have the original and the one created by me in Adobe Illustrator.
Dear blog, this project was other that I really enjoyed. It also took me many hours of hard work.Thinking and deciding the colors, fonts and shapes was pretty awesome. I have to admit that while I was doing this project I discovered a passion inside of me. Although my major is Advertising and Public Relations, I did not know that I really liked to design logos. I put myself into this project, it really reflects who I am and the creativity I have. Before I had all the cards full of soft colors. My professor advised that they will look better if I make them darker. I took that recommendation and used the same colors in their darkest tones . I love pastel and soft colors they are really pretty; however, I did not know that they should not be used as much as I did in my cards and logos.
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